
How did a Producer land 2 BORs in 90 minutes?

By changing the conversation.


The best excuse we've ever heard for being late.

Earlier this year, Brent Kelly received an email from a Producer attending one of our ProducerFit classes. She said:

"Just wanted to send you a quick note explaining my absence/lateness to ProFit today...your training is paying off. I landed a BOR for a 1700 employee company and a 350 employee company between 1030-12 today. My CSO laughed when I called to ask if it was ok if I would be late to Sitkins! Good reasons only!"

 There is no magic pill. While she had been working on these accounts for a while, it was when she learned to change how she positioned herself and her agencies resources that she was able to land the accounts.

We don't teach BOR as a sales strategy. But it is an outcome of a naturally good sales process. That's what we teach.

It's all about changing the conversation from quotes & transactions to risk advice & relationships.

If you're ready to change your the sales process in your agency and start achieving results like this, click the button below to learn more.


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