Coach the Coach

With Roger Sitkins & Brent Kelly


What can sales leaders gain?

In just four weeks, Sales Leaders will be equipped with the skills and strategies to help coach producers, become their accountability partner/mentor, and guide them to reach and exceed their goals.  

Here's what a Sales Leader can expect by participating in Coach the Coach.

  • Improve the overall sales fitness and actual results of the agency.
  • Understanding and knowing the key concepts of ProducerFit.
  • Installing a sales culture built around accountability. 
  • Valuable leadership guidance.
  • Networking and aligning with other Sales Leaders.


Download our detailed agenda to see exactly what is covered in each session.

This isn't your basic one-time training. 

Four sessions help you connect with other success-minded sales leaders, follow up on your progress, and continue your growth.

Interactive, effective & fun!

These online sessions will be held live. The format will consist of four, 90-minute sessions with specific topics, action items and virtual round tables.

The Coach the Coach program also provides participants with a private Dashboard containing workbooks, tools, recommendations, and resources introduced during ProducerFit, all aimed at elevating the role of Sales Leader to become the Chief Revenue Officer for the agency.

90 minute sessions (plus optional 30 minutes of Q&A at the end) hosted from 2:00 pm-3:30 pm ET:

  • Session 1: August 6
  • Session 2: August 20
  • Session 3: September 3
  • Session 4: September 17

Non-Member Registration

Cost is $2194/Sales Leader. Includes corresponding ProducerFit.


Member Registration

If your agency has an All-Inclusive or Sitkins Network membership, you have unlimited registration.
